Monthly Archives: February 2019


Last week on Instagram I posted a computerized video of the obliques in a twist. Check it out below.

It shows how the obliques are the engine and primary driver when rotating the torso.

This is important to understand, and to feel.

So many people in yoga, and elsewhere, over-use their arms to pull into a twist.

With this over-leveraged movement, it is too easy to go further than is available. Blowing by any whispers, or indicators, and missing the opportunity to make true progress.

It is a big reason why twists can often lead to SI joint issues, rib issues, neck issues and more.

It’s also a reason why many teachers say to move the pelvis when twisting. They say it is safer. They aren’t wrong.

But it also can prevent an efficient use of the obliques as the driver, the engine, the initiator of the movement.

It is a classic case of trying to solve the problem that isn’t.

Without efficient use of the obliques we are missing a big piece of functional movement. This can lead to psoas issues, QL issues, poor hip mechanics, poor breathing. Not to mention poor core stability. (and interestingly SI, Rib and Neck issues).

It also puts a huge damper on reducing pain, and making significant gains in how we move.

And most importantly it can put a kibosh on all that we could be capable of.

Just think what could be possible if your twists were actually driven by the obliques? Think digestion, think walking and running, think stair climbing, lifting your kids, golfing, skating, cross-country skiing . . . .

Here is the thing. Twists are powerful. Especially when we allow the obliques to be the engine. In more ways than you can imagine.

If you want to dig into this more, here are two ways.

Read: I wrote a whole chapter on twists in my book Anatomy and Asana: Preventing Yoga Injuries.
You can get a copy here.

Watch: Explore videos in Susi’s Resource Library. I have many on the obliques, twisting, core stability and more. View more details are here.

Happy exploring!

Key Takeaways:

  • Love: the foundation for the magic and mystery that is healing. It is what brings trust, hope, and belief that something is possible.
  • Love is meet another person where they are at, being present, and listening to what they are and are not saying.
  • Love is cultivating a healing relationship with a healing space that allows for changes to occur and without any shortcuts. 

Interested in More?

I work with clients and teachers in many ways both online and with live-training.  If you have any other inquiries, please email us at [email protected]

1. Susi's Resource Library. This online learning 200+ hours of videos and webinars includes my monthly Biomechanics of Healing Modules with three live group calls with me each month. This also includes my I Love Anatomy and the Anatomy for Yoga Therapists Program. 
To register, click here.

2. Private 1:1 Online or In Person Sessions.  Work with me privately for three months. People are interested in working with me because they intuitively know that their body is trying to get their attention. No matter the condition, the pain, the injury, they understand that something is up.  You can read more here.

3. The Therapeutic Yoga Intensive.  Designed for Yoga Teachers and Health Care Professionals. This is hands-on learning with me to deepen your own awareness and further your progress, as well as to improve your ability to work with students or patients.  Click here for locations & details.

4. C-IAYT.  ​For Yoga Teachers and Health Professionals who want to earn their C-IAYT yoga therapist certification. My trainees are keen to be excellent yoga therapists, and build a sustainable base of clients.  Click here for locations & details.

“Susi is an exceptional coach. If you want to work with one of the best, if you want to work with someone who really wants you to succeed, if you want to work with someone who truly walks the walk and talks the talk, work with Susi. She really knows what she is doing."

- Loreen K -