Podcast: Episode 18: Understanding Movement for Reducing Pain


​Understanding Movement for Reducing Pain

“I’ve found that when I can effectively teach my clients about their movements first, before getting into muscle conversation, the faster they get better.” In this episode of From Pain to Possibility. Susi discusses the idea of movement and understanding movement as an approach to helping a client reduce their pain.

Susi has recently been asked a lot of questions from yoga instructors about muscles. Susi has found in her years of training yoga teachers that the ones who understood muscles least were the ones who got results the most. Susi has also found that when she can effectively teach her clients about their movements first, before getting into muscle conversation, the faster they get better.

Listen, as Susi discusses how, when a client experiences a reduction in pain, they are more aware of what is working and what is not. She believes that when a client has communication and connection with their bodies, their bodies become a barometer,  their symptoms become a language, and as they spend time listening to it, they can decode it for themselves.

Suppose you want to dig into these concepts further on utilizing movement, yoga, breath, stillness as it relates to helping people out of pain? In that case, there are two upcoming opportunities for you. The first one is Solving Your Pain Puzzle at www.functionalsynergy.com/solving-the-pain-puzzle-2020, or the second one is Therapeutic Yoga Intensive at www.therapeuticyogaintensive.com.

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"I’ve found that when I can effectively teach my clients about their movements first, before getting into muscle conversation, the faster they get better" - Susi Hately

In This Episode:

[00:25] Welcome to the show!

[02:27] Susi shares the four things that need to happen for someone to reduce pain.

[04:44] The better you get, the better you need to get.

[06:13] When a client starts to experience a reduction in issues, they have a better awareness of what is working and what is not working.

[07:31] When clients communicate and connect with their bodies, they can understand how to keep the pain away. Their bodies become a barometer.

[10:06] Susi speaks about looking at a skeleton, seeing the movement, and seeing how that correlates to a person.

[12:26] When you can come at the experience from what is actually happening from a movement perspective, you and your client can agree about what is going on.

[14:19] Stay tuned because there will be an upcoming episode on understanding muscles.

[15:35] Have a great time exploring! 

"You must have an increased level of awareness because so much of the problem is in our unawareness." - Susi Hately

What You Will Learn In This Episode:

  • Understanding movement as an approach to helping clients reduce their pain
  • Communication and Connection with your body
  • Four things that need to happen for someone to reduce pain

"So, by improving the awareness of what’s actually happening in your body, then you can make a better change." - Susi Hately

Episode Transcript:

"The better you get, the better you need to get." - Susi Hately

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"Their symptoms become a language that as they spend time with it, they can decode it for themselves." - Susi Hately