I Love Anatomy – SRL

ILA – Lesson 6: Exploring Biomechanics – SRL

You’ve worked through some basic terminology and movement analysis as it relates to some basic yoga asanas. Let's dig into Biomechanics a little deeper. See below for more videos.

How the Shoulder moves in relation to the Scapula and the Spine

Shoulder and Scapula: Delight in the wonders of your shoulder function

Understanding these mechanics will propel you to greater understanding of yoga asanas. The aim is to deepen your curiosity regarding the yoga cues you hear when practicing yoga. Then, let’s chat on the Q&A Call.

How this relates to the Elbow and Wrist

Elbow and Wrist: Sit in the neighbourhood of the shoulder and scapula. Let's be kind to our neighbours.

The functioning of the elbow and wrist are directly impacted by the shoulder girdle. Begin to explore your asanas and activities with this in mind and then we’ll meet on the Q&A call to talk more.

How the Hip Moves - in relation to the Pelvis and Spine: SI Joints relative to Spine

Pelvis Femur Spine: When these three work together collaboratively, amazing things happen. And when they don't.....SI Joint problems anyone? How about a side dish of back, neck and knee pain?

I know, I know, I talk A LOT about the hips. And frankly, I will continue to talk more about the hips because of how our population is aging. Rarely do I see a client who doesn’t have pelvic dysfunction.

Why we should move through our Optimum range of Motion?

Optimum Range of Motion: Are you up for a challenge? Reconfigure what you believe your edge truly is. Watch for more!

I am becoming well known for being the “less is more” girl. I hope I can convince you too! Just imagine a yoga practice that has the intention of “do all that you need to do and nothing more”. Imagine the degree of fluidity and energy. Imagine your strength and poise.

Lesson 6


Brave enough?

Challenge your belief of your edge, and what it is really doing (or not doing) for you.

Move only as far as you can feel your tongue.

As soon as you are not feeling your tongue soft and at ease, stop moving.

Tonia Hayes   What does it mean to move only so far as you can feel our tongue? Can you expound on this?

Posted 4 years ago  Reply