I Love Anatomy – SRL

ILA – Lesson 9: More Asanas – SRL

Let’s Have Fun

Let’s dig into some more asanas and explore your movement. 

Have fun exploring! – Susi

Double Pigeon: Yippie for the leg bones in your pelvis.

Hanumanasana: Explore the splits.

Janu Sirsasana: Allow your SI Joints and Back to be very happy!

Lunge: Legs, Pelvis, Spine . . oh my!

Navasana: Ahoy Mate, You will love Boat Pose.

Parsvottanasana: Bringing us from Dandasana into a Foward Bend.

Raj Kapotasana: See what happens when you honour your hips!

Virasasana: A funny sitting pose that is even more fun to explore!

Meddy   Hi Susie,
In Virasanasana, are you saying not to internally rotate at the hips if experiencing knee pain or just don't perform it at all to the "w" position? Also, why the block instead of sitting on the feet if they are not externally rotated out to the sides?
I have also heard this was good for the knees, but have always felt pain and tried pushing through it, until now learning from you, so thank you! :)

Posted 4 years ago  Reply