Eradicating Pain Has Many Moving Parts,

But It Doesn't Have to Be Complicated, Nor Complex

And You, being analytical and intuitive, fundamentally know this to be true.

Honouring and Cultivating YOUR Deep Knowing

Over more than 25 years of teaching clients and training health professionals, there is one common characteristic amongst them all . . . 

The ones have been able to connect to the quieter whispers of their body, are the ones who get better the fastest, even if they had been in pain for years or decades.

Honouring and Cultivating YOUR Deep Knowing

There Are Two Two Key Realities For Helping You Recover from Persistent Pain 

First - It is vital to understand that where the pain is, not where the problem is. 

But rather the pain is an expression of the problem. 

The true problem lies under our conscious awareness. 

(and...we can't change anything we aren't aware of)

Second -"How" You Do Your Movement, Exercise or Treatment is As Important As "What" You Do.  

So many people stall because they get focused on the "what" - ie. the right exercise, or the proper muscle engagement.

It is so important to recognize "how" you are doing the movement - if you are bracing or gripping, how you are compensating and what is actually working.


My Job Is To Help You Connect More Clearly With Your Body. 

To Develop Your Awareness While Teaching You About Your Biomechanics. 

With This Combination, You Will Be Able To Tune Into Your Inner Wisdom, and An Inner Authority That Is Wholly Your Own. 

With This Connection You Will Create Some Amazing Results.  

Transforming modern pain psychology into something more human

Jennifer Ireland,
Medical Doctor

Susi has succeeded in transforming modern pain psychology into something more human. As a kinesiologist, she has deep fluency using movement as a therapeutic tool; however, any practitioner knows that true healing requires more than just the rigid application of a bio-medical model. Susi’s technique uses movement as an “in” to the complex interplay between the physical, psychological and spiritual dimensions of pain. As a doctor with a growing interest in Integrative Medicine, her teachings have been particularly helpful in managing patients suffering from pain and chronic disease.

Are you looking for professional yoga therapy certification?

My IAYT Accredited Yoga Therapy Certification program trains yoga teachers and health professionals how to integrate yoga therapeutically into their practices in a meaningful and significant way.  So not only do they build a sustainable client base, they do so in a very unique way - one where that depletion is optional, rest is deliberate and success is inevitable.  

From Pain to Possibility Podcast 

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From Pain to Possibility with Susi Hately | R&R Sleep Meditation

Suffering from a lack of sleep? Or maybe you’re getting the recommended amount of sleep but you still don’t feel well rested. Well, in today’s episode, I’ll be guiding you through a 30-minute Rest & Revitalization Sleep Meditation, which is sure to help you recharge.

Podcast: Ep #250: R&R Sleep Meditation